1. SpawnKilling is allowed, but NO spawnkill with Artillery, SupportFire, Panzer, ...).
2. Trickjump & Doublejump For OBJECTIVE is NOT alloweed!
3. .:Bd|. Tag Stealing is NOT allowed!
4. Swearing/Insulting Names
are NOT allowed!
5. Bad language is NOT allowed!
6. Cheaters are NOT
7. Spam in any way is NOT
8. Advertising (Servers
IP&Websites...etc) on our server is NOT allowed!
9. Respect all specially Admins!
.:Bd|. Clan Rules :.
1. If someone asks for Admin-Level, say him that he should stop it.
2. If you abuse your Admin-Righs you will loose your level or get kicked.
3. If you are inaktive, please leave a post in our Inactive Section
4. Be friendly against other players. If someone is insulting !warn him and contact a higher Admin.
5. You have to play at our server very often or be spectator.
6. If you have the !setlevel command you have to ask a Leader before you use it.
7. If you change your Ingame-Nick please inform us bd.ucoz.de/forum/9-9-1
8. If you are longer than 20 days inactive without informing a Leader you will get kicked.
9. Visit our TS3 Server and the Forum as much as you can!
© .:Bd|. Admin Staff